By Desiree Johnson
Welcome to the Your Hair Story Series presented by Mixed Chicks. This dynamic, new innovative series allows Mixed Chicks users to share their personal stories behind their hair. Hair that kinks, coils, curls, waves, and tells a story reflecting their culture, race, ethnicity, and upbringing. Like our customers, hair comes in all shades, textures and shapes unique to each individual and here at Mixed Chicks we want to celebrate that to the utmost extent. Meet our exquisite Mixed Chicks women, men, and children who exhibit beauty from the root and give us honest, bold stories that we are honored to share with you.
What has your experience been with the Mixed Chicks products? I discovered Mixed Chicks after hair modelling a keratin product ruined my hair. The texture was thin and straggly, my ringlets gone! A friend suggested the brand to me, my aunt had also suggested it a year before but I was so skeptical as I hadn’t been able to find a product that worked well with my hair. I cut sulphates, all nasties and had tried everything but then my curls came back like magic!
What makes them different than other hair/beauty products you tried in the past? Many products have been too heavy for my hair texture, too sticky and have also caused skin reactions such as spots. Mixed Chicks leave my skin healthy, smells great and doesn’t weigh down my hair.
Do you have a Go-To or token Mixed Chick Product you cannot go without? The Leave-In Conditioner is my saving grace. I use it daily and often don’t need to use hair cream to finish my hairstyling.
How has having a product specifically for your biracial/ethnic/multiracial background impacted your beauty regime? It saves me so much time! I don’t have to use multiple products to achieve the look I want. I don’t fight with my hair anymore, my hair is so healthy and shiny. I feel good about myself. My hair is one of my best features so when it looks good I feel good!
How do your curls/hair texture represent your cultural/ethnic background? Well my mum is English with Italian heritage, she has thick, curly, dark brown hair. My dad has Jamaican heritage with some Indian and Chinese. (I couldn’t escape an afro if I tried). My hair is thick but fine, when wet or air-dried I have tight ringlets but I also share the waves of my Jamaican/Indian Grandad when blow-dried and styled. It straightens well & looks jet black like Indian hair but my roots always puff so easily!
What is one feature of the Mixed Chicks brand that empowers your hair/beauty care? I love the slogan and the idea that it is for everyone regardless of race. We are all beautiful and individual, which is how I feel when I use the products.
If you could define Your Hair Story in one word what would it be? Empowering.
Why is the hair revolution celebrating natural/healthy hair types vital for our generation? I really feel that self-love & confidence is so important, especially when we are forever presented with particular mainstream beauty ideals. We are actually damaging our bodies through the chemical warfare on our natural hair. We need to switch this and show the next generation they are more than enough as they are, when we love our true selves nothing else matters.
If your ‘Mixed Chick’ story were a song, what would it be? Destiny’ Child- Survivor
Do you have any go-to beauty/hair bloggers or vloggers who inspire or help your hairstyles? (If you are a blogger/vlogger please feel free to share information on your page/brand) Itsmyrayeraye is ultimate hair/beauty goals! We share a similar complexion so I find it easier to try her beauty posts. I absolutely love Curly Nikki and xonecole. Both promote such diverse and healthy ideas and articles for women of all races and cultures. I love the reader participation in my Curly Nikki newsletters and their hair tips and videos. Womeninthejungle on Instagram are great too and Andrea Lewis (Black Actress) inspires me to try out different hairstyles! We have similar hair and she also uses Mixed Chicks!
I’ve also started blogging again recently, I am all about empowerment, positivity and confidence. I stopped blogging after losing focus/direction of my blog and wanted to define it more but I get sent tons of questions about myself, my acting and my hair/ beauty. As well as actor tips and sneak peeks of my adventures, I blog about everything from travel, hair, beauty, culture and life!
Interested parties can feel free to LIKE, TWEET, or FOLLOW our social media pages for the latest posts/updates and contact our email for questions on how to get involved. We are looking to showcase anyone who uses the Mixed Chicks brand of beauty products and wants to share their story. What’s the story behind your hair? Let us know!
Instagram: @yourhairstoryseries