First I want to Thank you for the Opportunity to Try these AAAAmazing Products. I am Latina and have always had Curly hair. I think I am in the 3A/3B category. I literally dedicated A full week to these Products, It was Fun
So let’s get Down to It.
Day 1
Conditioning Cleansing Co-Wash!
* It definitely delivers the Promise. It Cleansed My Hair without stripping it. I Absolutely Love the Smell. I was kind off skeptical due to the ingredients of Olive Oil & Castor both have strong smells BUT here comes Mixed Chicks and I was able to Cleanse My Hair, Feed My Curls with Jojoba, Olive and Castor oil without leaving a trace of smell. My Hair is healthy BUT it get’s tangle a lot, Absolutely Love the Easy Detangling and HYDRATION was very present. I Absolutely Loved this Co-Wash and It will be a Staple in My Weekly Routine.
so I followed the Co- wash with:
Coil, Kink & Curl Styling Cream!
* Can you say D E F I N E D – C U R L S! Yes that’s absolutely what this little miracle did, Defined My Beautiful Curls.. It is very thick so I did not have to use a lot of it, which made me so Happy. Sectioned My hair in Four, Sprayed Some Water Applied literally a bit of Product, sprayed a some more H2O and it like spread in a thinner consistency, used my Denman brush, I scrunched each sectioned and Air Dried.
Day 2
Morning After redefining Foam & Slick Styling Tamer w. Castor & Coconut Oil
* The Day One Products gave me AMAZING RESULTS, so all I had to do with this product was literally one Pump and scrunched My Hair literally looked so Fresh. Love that it is a Foam instead of a Mousse like consistency, I did not have to add H2O to my hair and just laid my Edges with the Slick Styling Tamer….. All I can say is Thank you, because My Edges were laid and conditioned. I was never a fan of Edge Control, due to the way it dried up my Edges.
Day 3
Conditioning Cleansing Co-Wash & Curl Sculptor
* By this day My Hair Naturally gets very oily. Co-wash Again BUT this time I married it to the Curl Sculptor. My Hair Looked AWESOME this day and LONG CURLS. It actually defined My curls more than the products I used on Day 1 and Curls were longer. Pretty AAAMAZING. This is Definitely a Wash & Go Combo to use Mid-Week for Me.
Day 4
I honestly did not have to add ANY Products the Day 3 routine kept My Hair on CHECK!!! I just used the Slick Styling Tamer for My Edges.
Day 5
Daily Hair Dress
*On this Day my Hair was begging for Products. So I sectioned my Hair in Four. Came in with My Water Bottle and added Daily Hair Dress then used my Denman Brush with it. It Definitely got rid of the FRIZZ, It conditioned My hair and It Air Dried so Soft. It was a Softer Curl Look Compared to Day 3.
Day 6
Styling Gel
* On this Day I did the FAMOUS PINEAPPLE…..yassssssssssssssss.. Can I tell you I never EVERRRRRRR liked putting my hair up, because it never looked neat. I am so Thankful for these Styling gel, it kept my hair up, The hold was not a stiff, it was very very flexible.