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Guest Blog-“How My Daughter Inspired Me To Become An Influencer” With Magdeley


Hello everyone!

My name is Magdeley and I’m obsessed with my curls!

So weird to be saying that I’m obsessed with curls since growing up I wasn’t a big fan of them. In the Dominican Republic curly hair is very frowned upon and it’s referred to as “pelo malo” & “pajon” meaning “bad hair” & “course straw hair”. For most of my childhood I remember my mom always straightening my hair. Once I was a bit older to do my own hair the only way I would go outside was if my hair was straightened. In 2010 my senior year of high school I was so addicted to the flat iron that I completely ruined my hair to the point that my hair stopped growing it was so thin and just horrible looking. I tried a few times to embrace my natural hair but I just didn’t feel right. I gave up and continued to straighten my hair for many more years.

When I gave birth to my beautiful daughter in 2015 I noticed that her hair was very curly. I was so clueless about how to care for her curls. Later in August of 2016 I started researching “how to care for naturally curly hair”. I started looking at naturally curly hair bloggers on YouTube and Instagram and noticed that their before hair pictures looked just like how my hair did. I started finding out many amazing things about naturally curly hair that I had absolutely no clue about.

Now, 2017-2018 my curls are so spirally,so shiny and so healthy it shocks me the way my hair looks now. I never imagined myself looking this way. I give all praises to my daughter for helping me evolve into the person I am today. She is the reason why I started researching and embracing my natural hair. She is also why I became an influencer. I’m certain she will grow up not only just knowing how to properly care for her curls but also loving them and being empowered by them. To me is more than just curls is more about self love, self empowerment, self acceptance and just being YOU and not letting anyone tell you otherwise. I’ve never felt more beautiful than i do now!

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