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Guest Blog-“My Hair Journey As A Curly Mom”- Ilyssa


As a young girl, I had very curly hair. My twin sister had straight hair and I was always jealous of the way her hair looked, felt, was able to be trimmed without looking like a Christmas tree. My mother although she meant well, really didn’t know what to do with my hair so she would cut it or allow me to blow it out to a crazy looking cotton candy type of texture. As I grew up and I started seeing people with hair like mine, I was curious as to how I would look with my natural curls. As I learned to take care of my hair and appreciate it ,  I enjoyed trying new products and found ones that worked for me.

When I had my daughter who is biracial, I thought that I could care for her curls the same way that I cared for mine. I was very wrong. Her texture is very different then mine and I learned quickly about moisture and how important it is to her curls and her texture. I went though a bunch of products before we found a few that I liked. I looked on YouTube and blogs, I talked to other parents of biracial children and then I realized that the conditioner is the holy grail when it comes to getting through tangles and softening .

We finally tried Mixed chicks and I have to say that their shampoo and conditioner in the kids line is awesome. It allows me to get through my daughters hair without her screaming.( which I forgot to mention , I also learned about the term “tender headed”).

As I continue on this hair journey with my daughter, I have realized that she can be an influencer for people who were like me who need support and look to other moms for real advice and opinions on what works best.  My daughters hair is something that should be celebrated as part of who she is .. it represents me and her dad and so , I say it’s just perfect!

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