We love to share new things with you – our Mixed Chicks family! We recently got the chance to check out this amazing new children’s book “Hair Like Mine is One of a Kind” by Keri Riggins. It’s the perfect gift for those curly girls in your life.
Every little girl takes the journey of embracing individuality and learning the ability to develop a genuine love for her own unique traits. So, come indulge with Audrey in the trials and triumphs of embracing her natural hair as she realizes her own self love. Hair Like Mine is One of a Kind is a fairy tale and a best friend; a great first book for a growing little princess. With concentrations on self-esteem, coping-skills, versatility and fun; Hair Like Mine is One of a Kind!
You can order the book on Amazon starting Saturday November 14th!
Here’s the Facebook page for this adorable book: