By Desiree Johnson
Welcome to the Your Hair Story Series presented by Mixed Chicks. This dynamic, new innovative series allows Mixed Chicks users to share their personal stories behind their hair. Hair that kinks, coils, curls, waves, and tells a story reflecting their culture, race, ethnicity, and upbringing. Like our customers, hair comes in all shades, textures and shapes unique to each individual and here at Mixed Chicks we want to celebrate that to the utmost extent. Meet our exquisite Mixed Chicks women, men, and children who exhibit beauty from the root and give us honest, bold stories that we are honored to share with you.
What has your experience been with the Mixed Chicks products?
It’s been a few months, & I have already noticed a difference in texture just by only including the deep conditioner in my son’s natural hair care regimen. The deep conditioner helps make his hair more manageable and help with the absorbency of a moisturizer.
Do you have a go-to or token Mixed Chick Product you cannot go without?
Right now, it’s the deep conditioner. It plays the part of not only to help with the texture, but to help retain moisture and as a detangler.
What makes these products different than other hair/beauty products you tried in the past?
Our past conditioners made his hair “beautiful” once we added it to the hair, but as time went on it’s like his hair started to reject it. The very first time I used Mixed Chicks in his hair, it was like we could hear the Hair Gods singing to us. His hair instantly looked alive and well taken care of.
How has having a product specifically for your cultural/biracial/ethnic/multiracial background impacted your beauty regime?
It has made making my hair look presentable so much easier! It has helped me love my son’s hair. Made us proud of who we are. It’s sad to say, but your hair plays a major part on how you feel about yourself.
How do your curls/hair texture represent your cultural/ethnic background?
My goal is to eventually find out our real ethnic background, & based off his hair texture and curl pattern I know it’s something beautiful!
What is one feature of the Mixed Chicks brand that empowers your hair/beauty care?
Versatility. These products are not only for “mixed” or biracial/multiracial people, & not only for African American, but just people in general who care about their hair.
If your ‘Mixed Chick’ story were a song, what would it be?
Work by Rihanna. It’s definitely hard work maintaining it and finding the right products. Honestly the deep conditioner makes managing my son’s hair that much easier, & tear free for him.
Why is the hair revolution celebrating natural/healthy hair types vital for our generation?
There aren’t enough moms out here who have knowledge or the time to find out how to care for natural hair. In my society if your son isn’t biracial, then a haircut it is. A lot of moms do not take the time to learn what is beneficial for their child’s hair & simply choose the easy way out.
If you could define Your Hair Story in one word, what would it be?
Do you have any go-to beauty/hair bloggers or vloggers who inspire or help your hairstyles?
No. Natural hair care is a trial & error for us.
Interested parties can feel free to LIKE, TWEET, or FOLLOW our social media pages for the latest posts/updates and contact our email for questions on how to get involved. We are looking to showcase anyone who uses the Mixed Chicks brand of beauty products and wants to share their story. What’s the story behind your hair? Let us know!