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Mixed Chicks Presents: Your Hair Story Series- Ashley


By Desiree Johnson

Welcome to the Your Hair Story Series presented by Mixed Chicks. This dynamic, new innovative series allows Mixed Chicks users to share their personal stories behind their hair. Hair that kinks, coils, curls, waves, and tells a story reflecting their culture, race, ethnicity, and upbringing. Like our customers, hair comes in all shades, textures and shapes unique to each individual and here at Mixed Chicks we want to celebrate that to the utmost extent. Meet our exquisite Mixed Chicks women, men, and children who exhibit beauty from the root and give us honest, bold stories that we are honored to share with you.


What does “Mixed, Multiracial or Bi-racial) mean to you in 2017?

To me, being bi-racial means that I was created with love. My siblings and I were born into a family that never judges a book by its cover, but only by its contents, and were taught to love and appreciate all cultures, ethnicities, and races.

Do you have a go-to or token Mixed Chick Product you cannot go without? 

Yes! I am currently OBSESSED with the Daily Hair Dress and the Curl Sculptor! I love how the Daily Hair Dress gives my hair the essential nutrients and moisture it needs, while the Curl Sculptor shapes my curls.

How has having a product specifically for your cultural/biracial/ethnic/multiracial background impacted your beauty regime? 

Finding the perfect product/hair regimen can be extremely stressful and costly. Growing up my hair was always a mess – I was always using the wrong product for my hair, because I saw that it worked for a friend or for other celebrities. Although I am still learning about my hair, it makes me so happy to know that there is a whole company that produces products just for my hair!

Do you use any other Mixed Chicks products as part of your beauty routine?  

No, but I am excited to test these items out!

What new 2017 Mixed Chicks product are you interested in trying out?

I am super excited to test out the Morning After Redefining Foam! Having color treated curls, my hair tends fall flat after a few days, so I am excited to see how this product can help me skip on those extra wash days.

How do your curls/hair texture represent your cultural/ethnic background? 

To put this simply, my hair lives to the beat of its own drum. No matter how much I have tried to change it in the past, it always bounces back. I don’t like to say my hair defines a culture or ethnic group, because I don’t like to give into social typing. And as I continue down my own journey of self-acceptance and love, I learn more and more about my hair and how it represents me. Wild and Free.

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What is one feature of the Mixed Chicks brand that empowers your hair/beauty care? 

I enjoy that the brand doesn’t just cater to those who are mixed. They have products for all hair textures, and embrace all curly girls!

Why is the hair revolution celebrating natural/healthy hair types vital for our generation? 

This revolution is vital for not only our generation but those that come after use. Growing up I have always hated my curls – I never really knew how to care for them. Now that I am slowly finding my way, I am starting to notice that my nieces feel the same angst towards their hair because society of depicts curls as messy/ dirty hair. It is vital for us to show, not only ourselves, but our loved ones and society that we are beautiful just the way we are.

Is there a (Mixed/Multiracial/Bi-racial) celebrity who empowers you? 

There really isn’t one specifically. I feel empowered when seeing other celebrities, friends, family member, followers/subscribers, and even strangers rocking their natural hair!

Do you have any go-to beauty/hair bloggers or vloggers who inspire or help your hairstyles?

Yes! Bethany Robertson, BiancaReneeToday, Chime, Daye la Soul, Kathlyn Celeste, Jaleesa Moses, LipsticknCurls, Naptural85.

Interested parties can feel free to LIKE, TWEET, or FOLLOW our social media pages for the latest posts/updates and contact our email for questions on how to get involved. We are looking to showcase anyone who uses the Mixed Chicks brand of beauty products and wants to share their story. What’s the story behind your hair? Let us know!


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