

Mixed Chicks Presents: Your Hair Story Series- Stephanie


By Desiree Johnson

Welcome to the Your Hair Story Series presented by Mixed Chicks. This dynamic, new innovative series allows Mixed Chicks users to share their personal stories behind their hair. Hair that kinks, coils, curls, waves, and tells a story reflecting their culture, race, ethnicity, and upbringing. Like our customers, hair comes in all shades, textures and shapes unique to each individual and here at Mixed Chicks we want to celebrate that to the utmost extent. Meet our exquisite Mixed Chicks women, men, and children who exhibit beauty from the root and give us honest, bold stories that we are honored to share with you.


What does being (“Mixed, Multiracial or Bi-racial) mean to you in 2017?

Being mixed in 2017 means I can be free to be myself and embrace it without being judged because I am two completely different nationalities. I love being diverse.

Do you have a Go-To or token Mixed Chick Product you cannot go without?

I cannot go without Mixed Chicks Leave-In Conditioner, it mixes well with almost all my products and leaves my hair feeling moisturized for the day. It is my Go-To leave in.

How has having a product specifically for your cultural/biracial/ethnic/multiracial background impacted your beauty regime?

Just knowing there are products that work specifically for my hair makes me feel more confident with my curls. Before being introduced to Mixed Chicks I was struggling to take care of my hair which led me to dying it, using the wrong products, styling it wrong, etc. I never really knew how to take care of my curls because I was using products that weren’t even for curly hair. Mixed chicks was one of the first brands I started using once I completely stopped using heat and damaging products.

How do your curls/hair texture represent your cultural/ethnic background?

My hair type is literally a mix of both of my parents. My mother is Italian so she has wavy, fine hair. My father is Puerto Rican and has kinky, coily hair. My curls are the perfect combination of both.

What is one feature of the Mixed Chicks brand that empowers your hair/beauty care?

I love that the brand gives us mixed chicks (and men) the chance to be ourselves no matter what we are mixed with, and gives me the confidence to rock my curls whether I choose a look with volume, or a more defined style.

Why is the hair revolution celebrating natural/healthy hair types vital for our generation?

It is important to not only accept, but love who you are and where you came from. It is important to embrace your hair no matter what type it is. When you truly love yourself, you will want the best for yourself and start making healthy decisions.

What’s your Go-to summer hairstyle?

I love putting my hair in curly space buns in the summer.

Is there a (Mixed/Multiracial/Bi-racial) celebrity who empowers you?

Alicia Keys empowers me as a woman and inspires me to go all natural.

Do you have any go-to beauty/hair bloggers or vloggers who inspire or help your hairstyles?

Lynn Kate and hif3licia are the two hair bloggers/vloggers I watch religiously on YouTube and IG. They are awesome and have really helped me learn how to take care of my curls, especially now that my hair isn’t really damaged anymore. They really inspire me to love my curls more!

Interested parties can feel free to LIKE, TWEET, or FOLLOW our social media pages for the latest posts/updates and contact our email for questions on how to get involved. We are looking to showcase anyone who uses the Mixed Chicks brand of beauty products and wants to share their story. What’s the story behind your hair? Let us know!
