

“My Hair Journey,”- Josyness


My Hair Journey

Hello everyone! My name is Josy and I wanted to tell the story of how I went back to being natural. My hair journey started when I was younger. Growing up my filipino mom would braid and style my hair. She would put in braids and put fun colored beads, I loved it. But I didn’t understand why my hair wasn’t long and straight like hers and the women I looked up to. As I grew older I didn’t know how to work with my curls and I still didn’t see many people with hair like mine so at the age of 13 I asked for a relaxer. I wanted long straight hair and my own tangles felt like the enemy. I had relaxed hair all thru high school and once I learned how to take care of my hair in that state it grew longer.

After high school I wondered if I could manage my own curls. I had spent countless hours watching natural hair youtube videos and seeing journeys from doing the big chop or transitioning. I truly couldn’t remember what had been so difficult about my hair and was curious if I could manage it now that I was older and had more information available to me. When I felt ready I stopped relaxing and transitioned to curly. At first I had no idea what I was doing, everything I tried seemed to have unsatisfying results and took forever. I was supremely frustrated and wondered if I had made a mistake. My straight long hair was gone. Then I stopped trying to follow all the videos I had watched and truly got to know my hair. I tried out techniques one at a time and learned what my hair liked. It was a process, but now that I understand my hair and how to work with my curls I am beyond happy I decided to embrace my curls!

If you’d like to follow more of my journey my socials are below.



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