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Product Description

Mixed Chicks CBD Tea Tree Shampoo, 6 oz bottle with pump, designed for cleansing and revitalizing hair with natural CBD and tea tree oil.
CBD Tea Tree Shampoo for Scalp Soothing and Healthy Looks $10.49
(1 customer review)


CBD Moisture & Tangle Fix Conditioner is blended to hydrate, reduce tangles, and reduce hair breakage. Less breakage means more healthy-looking hair.

  • Treatment for Dry Hair
  • Get Healthier-looking locks

Acondicionador de acción profunda CBD Mixed Chicks

Desenrede y restaure el cabello rizado, con rizos definidos o liso con la fórmula de acondicionador exclusiva de MIXED CHICKS que penetra y reconstruye áreas dañadas y transforma los rizos difíciles de peinar en cabello resiliente y fácil de mantener.

Suaviza, hidrata y desenreda

Instrucciones:  Aplique sobre el cabello mojado, peine y enjuague.

Cómo peinar:  Con el desenredo, Mixed Chicks reduce el quiebre.

Deep Conditioner CBD Mixed Chicks (soin revitalisant)

Démêlez et réparez vos cheveux raides, bouclés ou très bouclés avec le baume revitalisant exclusif de Mixed Chicks. Ce soin pénètre et reconstruit les zones endommagées, et dompte les cheveux rebelles pour les rendre dociles et faciles à entretenir.

Adoucit, hydrate et démêle

Conseils d’utilisation: Appliquer sur cheveux mouillés, peigner et rincer.

Astuce coiffure: Le démêlage avec Mixed Chicks réduit la casse.

Entwirrend und aufbauend für lockiges, naturkrauses oder glattes Haar: Die exklusive Conditioner-Formel von MIXED CHICKS dringt tief in angegriffenes Haar ein und verwandelt widerspenstiges Haar in pflegeleichte Frisuren.

Macht weich, spendet Feuchtigkeit und entwirrt

Auf nasses Haar auftragen, durchkämmen und ausspülen.

Die entwirrende Wirkung von Mixed Chicks beugt Haarbruch vor.

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1 review for CBD Moisture Tangle Fix Conditioner

  1. (verified owner) :

    Easy to use in the shower and I find that my hair is very soft (even though it has been very dry and even more wiry with grays coming in). I also have eczema and my scalp is often itchy – find this helps relieve the itch and doesn’t irritate my scalp. Yay!

How to Use – The simple routine:

  • Apply to wet hair (curly, wavy, or straight), comb through, and rinse.

How to Use – The extended version:

  1. shampoo and rinse
  2. condition, comb or brush, and rinse
  3. apply leave-in conditioner to wet hair, scrunch
  4. wring hair out with fingers
  5. air dry, or if you are in a hurry, sit under a hooded dryer or use a diffuser (no towel or blow-dry needed)

CBD Moisture & Tangle Fix Conditioner is blended to hydrate, reduce tangles and reduce hair breakage. Less breakage means more healthy-looking hair.