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Product Description

Travel & Trial Pack (3 x 2oz) $9.99
(22 customer reviews)


Detangle all hair types with Mixed Chicks® exclusive conditioning blend that leaves hair soft, moisturized, and easy to manage. Detangle and soften often style-stubborn hair and create healthy-looking, easy-to-maintain tresses.

  • Softens
  • Moisturizes
  • Detangles and reduces breakage


Acondicionador de acción profunda Mixed Chicks

Desenrede y restaure el cabello rizado, con rizos definidos o liso con la fórmula de acondicionador exclusiva de MIXED CHICKS que penetra y reconstruye áreas dañadas y transforma los rizos difíciles de peinar en cabello resiliente y fácil de mantener.

Suaviza, hidrata y desenreda

Instrucciones:  Aplique sobre el cabello mojado, peine y enjuague.

Cómo peinar:  Con el desenredo, Mixed Chicks reduce el quiebre.

Entwirrend und aufbauend für lockiges, naturkrauses oder glattes Haar: Die exklusive Conditioner-Formel von MIXED CHICKS dringt tief in angegriffenes Haar ein und verwandelt widerspenstiges Haar in pflegeleichte Frisuren.

Macht weich, spendet Feuchtigkeit und entwirrt

Auf nasses Haar auftragen, durchkämmen und ausspülen.

Die entwirrende Wirkung von Mixed Chicks beugt Haarbruch vor.

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22 reviews for Detangling DEEP Conditioner Sample (2oz / 60ml)

  1. (verified owner) :

    We don’t use this after every wash, but I really like it! None of mixed chicks conditioners seem to weigh my daughter’s curls down, even when I pair it with their other hydrating products.

  2. (verified owner) :

    Leaves my hair very soft and shiny.

  3. (verified owner) :

    Cannot stress how amazing this makes my hair feel. The scent is also very pleasant and not too strong.

  4. (verified owner) :

    Love this conditioned without feeling heavy and weighted down!

  5. (verified owner) :

    I used this with the regular shampoo and with the Co-wash. It’s a great conditioner and it gives a great “slip” for detangling unruly hair.

  6. (verified owner) :

    I have tried the curl sculptor and love it can’t wait to try this!

  7. (verified owner) :

    I ordered this product based on the recommendation of a good friend. My hair/curl type is 2a in the front and 2c in the back with a low porosity level. This conditioner is very thick and creamy. A quarter sized amount was more than enough for my (almost) shoulder length hair. The smell is pleasant and like clarifying shampoo. It is not floral and I would describe it as a warm, comfortable smell. The conditioning was great and was also easy to rinse out. It did not leave my hair feeling greasy or oily. I normally let my hair air dry. My hair is not color treated or bleached. I do not heat treat my hair. Things I have struggled with are dryness and frizzy hair. I am impressed with the conditioner and will be purchasing the full size. My frizz level has been dramatically reduced and my hair feels soft to the touch.

  8. (verified owner) :

    Amazing! Leaves hair soft and manageable!

  9. (verified owner) :

    Used this after my shampoo and I have to say my hair is so silky smooth . Love it !! No more dry hair.

  10. (verified owner) :

    I absolutely love the leave in. Hoping I will love this as well.

  11. (verified owner) :

    Like a lot of people with thick, coarse, dry curly hair I really need to get moisture in to it. This is a great deep conditioner that really helps my hair to calm down.

  12. (verified owner) :

    Leaves my hair soooooooo soft and moistureized! I love this deep conditioner so much. I use it once a week and it keeps my hair frizz free all week, even between my washes. Best at home deep conditioning I’ve had

  13. (verified owner) :

    Perfect size of great product for that day in the future when we’ll be excited to travel again!

  14. (verified owner) :

    My 3yo daughter is mixed with black white and Mexican. Her hair has tight ringlets and is EXTREMELY dry. I am black and white with loose dry curls. This product Worked on both of our hair and smells so nice!

  15. (verified owner) :

    This conditioner does everything that it claims. It conditions and detangles my fine, frizzy hair without weighing it down.

  16. (verified owner) :

    Makes my hair feel very soft after I wash it!

  17. (verified owner) :

    Im trying this sample because my daughter has been using this conditioner for years for her red super curly mixed hair and loves it. I’m sure it will be great on my hair too, can’t wait!

  18. (verified owner) :

    My daughter uses this conditioner for her mixed super curly red hair! She loves it, so I got a sample to try on my regularly colored somewhat dry hair. I’m sure I’ll ,love it too!

  19. (verified owner) :

    Works great and this size is travel friendly!

  20. (verified owner) :

    I use this every day to condition, soften and detangle my curls. It’s the best deep conditioning product I’ve used!

Apply to wet hair, comb through and rinse.

Thinking about blowing or ironing your hair? MIXED CHICKS deep is great to use before our straightening serum


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