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33oz (1L) Curl definition and frizz control in a quick, easy at-home product. This lightweight, proven leave-in conditioner locks moisture into curls, waves & weaves. This is the curl-defining formula designed for us, and when we say “us,” we mean many…even if you are not mixed, you may have frizz and unruly curls, right?
Nourish and define your curls with Mixed Chicks Leave-In Conditioner 33 oz. This lightweight formula moisturizes, detangles, and enhances your natural curl pattern, providing frizz control and lasting shine.
Tratamiento para cabello rizado.
Acondicionador sin enjuague Mixed Chicks
10 onzas de fórmula para rizos definidos diseñada para nuestras necesidades, y cuando decimos “nuestras”, incluimos a muchos. Incluso si no eres meztiza, puede que tengas encrespado y rizos no definidos, ¿verdad?
Evita el encrespado y define los rizos
Funciona en muchas texturas de cabello o extensiones (sintéticas o humanas).
ÚSELO PARA EVITAR el encrespado y DEFINIR LOS RIZOS en muchas texturas de cabello y extensiones (sintéticas o humanas).
Instrucciones: Úselo en el cabello mojado, no enjuague, deje secar naturalmente y peine.
Cómo peinar: Aunque es mejor que este producto se seque naturalmente, algunas personas prefieren usar el secador de cabello con difusor con potencia baja para aumentar el volumen.
¡Algunos prefieren hacer trenzas entrelazadas sin enjuagarlo, en el cabello mojado y luego secarlo para obtener un aspecto genial!
33 oz unserer Formel zur Lockendefinition speziell für alle, die Frizz und unbändige Locken zähmen möchten
Zähmt Frizz und definiert Locken
Wirkt auf vielfältige Haarstrukturen und Haarverlängerungen (Synthetik und Echthaar).
PERFEKT ZUM ZÄHMEN VON FRIZZ und DEFINIEREN VON LOCKEN für vielfältige Haarstrukturen und Haarverlängerungen (Synthetik und Echthaar).
In das nasse Haar einmassieren, nicht ausspülen, an der Luft trocknen lassen und dann stylen.
Obwohl das Lufttrocknen bei diesem Produkt am besten ist, bevorzugen manche Anwender das Föhnen auf Kaltstufe und mit Diffuser, um mehr Volumen zu erzielen.
Oder sie machen einen Zwei-Strähnen-Twist im feuchten Haar ohne Leave-In und lassen die Kordel dann für einen tollen Look an der Luft trocknen!
Leave-in Conditioner Mixed Chicks (soin revitalisant sans rinçage)
Voici la formule de définition de boucles conçue pour nous, dans toute notre diversité… parce que même si vos cheveux ne sont pas bouclés, vous avez parfois des frisottis ou des boucles indisciplinées, n’est-ce pas ?
Dompte les frisottis et définit les boucles
Fonctionne sur de nombreuses textures de cheveux et tissages (synthétiques ou naturels).
UTILISATION CONSEILLÉE : POUR DOMPTER LES FRISOTTIS et DÉFINIR LES BOUCLES sur de nombreuses textures de cheveux et tissages (synthétiques ou naturels).
Conseils d’utilisation : Appliquer sur les cheveux humides, ne pas rincer et laisser sécher à l’air libre.
Astuces coiffure : Bien que le séchage à l’air libre soit préférable, il est possible d’utiliser le sèche-cheveux à basse température avec un diffuseur pour obtenir plus de volume.
Pour un look superbe, vous pouvez aussi réaliser des torsades à deux mèches sur cheveux mouillés, sans produit sans rinçage, puis laisser sécher à l’air libre.
Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review and earn 10 points.
Can I use this on FRIZZY STRAIGHT HAIR? MIXED CHICKS® leave-in was designed for curly hair, but we have straight-hair customers who use this product regularly and say good things about us behind our backs.
For curly/wavy:
An easy routine for straight hair:
(verified owner) :
I have thick, curly, frizzy hair. I’m white and mostly German which gives us the frizz, I think. I’ve been using this product for over 10 years, use it after I get out of the shower and air dry. And that’s it! I use it every day and if I go an evening without it (like if I’m not leaving the house) I’m reminded how bad my hair is without it! I’ve tried Aveda and countless other products but find I have to use 3 or 4 other products to get similar results. So yes, this is a little expensive but the 1L probably lasts over a year and it’s the only product needed. So thanks Mixed Chicks! I recommend this to all my friends with curly or frizzy hair!
Patti B
(verified owner) :
I’m an almost 50 yo mixed chick. Ive used the leave in conditioner for years now. I keep trying to find other products that work just as well and there just aren’t any. So, this white, black, cherokee woman with crazy hair is right back to Mixed Chicks! It has helped keep me from getting rid of my gray and from cutting all my hair off.
(verified owner) :
I use the product on my 3B/3C curls and it works great to keep my hairdo together. Pricing is getting out of hand though.
(verified owner) :
I am 33 years old mixed chick….From the Netherlands. My sister found this product. Unfortunatly so late! But i am sooooo happy with it!!! Love my curls!!!
D Thompson
(verified owner) :
I decided to try this product on my son who is 1/2 white and 1/2 black. The place I went didn’t have the kids stuff so I went with the big bottle of leave in. All I have to say is thank you!!! I’m saving so much money, yes the bottle is pricy but what I was spending was way more and I had to use 4 different products each morning to get my sons hair suitable for school!! This product rocks!!! Tytyty!!!!
Happy Mommy
(verified owner) :
The Leave-in conditioner was a TOTAL and utterly life-saver for me! When I gave birth to two daughters who were born with thick, wavy Hair (my 6 year old), and thin Curly hair (my 5 year-old), I was at a loss as to which products to use for their textures – oh, did I mention that both also have extremely dry hair? My hair is kinky, so I didn’t know what to do with their hair textures. I tried just about every product on the market, until 5 years later (yes, it took me 5 looooong years to finally get it right), I came across Mixed Chicks. I figured, well – I have tried just about everything on the market, why not give this a try – after all, they have that mixed chick texture. OMG – it was totally AMAZING and unbelievable!!!! I use it constantly for my 5 year old – little Ms. curly girl. After washing her hair, I mix the Leave-in conditioner with some Jojoba oil, and castor oil, and she is good for an entire week! Her hair stays moisturized, and tangle free! I absolutely LOVE this product – I CAN’T DO WITHOUT IT !!!!!!!
(verified owner) :
A friend recommended this product a few years ago when I began my natural hair journey. Although her hair was always in control and beautiful I made the assumption that this product would not work for my hair type. One day while strolling the Target hair products aisle still looking for that one product that would define my curls without flakes or that heavy sticky feeling I decided to try it. Hooray!!! I love love love it. It gives me the hold and shine without a sticky weighted feeling. I only use a small amount of the product so a little goes a long way. Thanks Mixed Chicks.
Mixed Chicks is Getting Greedy
(verified owner) :
I do like this product a lot. It seemed worth it more when it was at $30 per 33 ounces. It’s gone up by $15 a bottle in a year! This seem very high to me and makes it not-so worthy. Back to using my other products full-time. I would have recommended this product, but definitely not at the pricing it’s going towards.
(verified owner) :
This works really well on very thin curly hair on most days. Unfortunately, doesn’t hold as well when the weather is very humid.
My Curly Sue’s
(verified owner) :
I have 4 daugters, 2 of them have very curly hair. I use the leave-in-conditioner on my girls (and myself) on a daily basis and if I don’t use it their hair gets frizzy and out of control. I’m glad I was introduced to this product and whenever I come accross someone with curly hair I tell them about it and send them to the website.
Curly Carmen
(verified owner) :
Finally found a products that not only defines my curls but also leaves them soft and bouncy! I cannot go a day without this product!
(verified owner) :
I am currently transitioning from relaxed to natural hair. My nationalities are African American, Italian, Irish, German, Cherokee and Black Foot… so as you can see I have the difficulties of having mixed hair. I used this product every day in my hair and it controls the frizz and curls of my natural hair without weighing down my relaxed hair making it possible that for the past 3 months I haven’t used any heat or gel! I really have no cons about the product other than the more my hair is growing out the more product I need and I am getting sad when it runs out.
Curly Chris
(verified owner) :
I stand strongly by this product and believe it is the best out on the market for individuals who struggle with maintaining their curly hair. I love love love the leave-in conditioner and use it almost every day after I wash my hair. Since I have used Mixed Chicks I no longer have bad hair days. Not only can I quickly apply the product and walk out the door, but it holds my hair in tact for a beautiful curly hairstyle all day long.
(verified owner) :
I have never ever had a product that keep my curls in tack without making it messy, frizzy or even dry. I must say I am in love with the leave in conditioner. Hair is slightly damped, i apply it and my curls are neat and tamed for what ever event I have.
(verified owner) :
I initially purchased this for my husband who has mixed hair, however, I decided to try. I am asian and have naturally wavy hair. After my first use, I was absolutely amazed! I have tried almost any and every hair product in salons and drug stores, mixed them, did everything and was never fully happy. The best product I found was Bumble & Bumble Curl Cream, however, I found there was to light a hold. It had a reactivating mist I used with it that gave it more of a hold, however, really dried out my hair. However, now that I discovered this Mixed Chicks Leave in Conditioner, I feel as I do not have to search anywhere else for the perfect product! All the other products were making me so frustrated that I was contemplating cutting off my waist length hair because I never thought it looked moist, healthy or styled, but since discovering this product I love my hair more than ever. Thanks Mixed-Chicks, you got a customer for life! Please continue to make this product FOREVER :o) This product is not just for mixed chicks, even us Asians with wavy hair can use it!
(verified owner) :
I was searching for a product that will soften my hair and define my curls and this product made me stop searching for any better product. It might not seem that cheap but I only need to buy a new bottle every six months! I love it, I just have to apply 4 squirts all over my hair right after I get out of the shower, and I’m done. Then I just wait for my hair to naturally dry. (4 squirts are the amount I need to be able to feel the conditioner all over my hair, most people need less)
Mrs Peele
(verified owner) :
I was hooked as soon as I bought a sample pack from the beauty store a year ago and I love that I can buy a huge industrial size pump! I’m very mixed and I’ve always had trouble combing through my hair and if I somehow managed to get it clean and combed through I had so much frizz when it dried I felt like I did all that work for nothing. I use the low sulfite shampoo (Which I love!) it does not dry or strip my hair, then 2x a week I skip the shampoo and just use warm water and the deep conditioner followed by the leave in conditioner and a little goes a long way. I’ve found if I use too much of the leave in my curls are more stiff, but that doesn’t last long- a day or 2- and I get the nice light bouncy curls I love. I’ve donated all the other hair products I had to use and though Mixed Chicks is expensive when I think of the mousse, hair gel, anti-frizz, hair spray, and palm aid I used I save money and time with this simple system. I have to admit I’ve tried a knock off that claimed to be like MC and was less expensive, but it didn’t even come close and smelled awful and was a waste of money and time! I’ve stocked up on MC and I will never use another product again, this really has changed my beauty regiment and made my life so much easier! I <3 MC 4 Life ;0)
Family of different hair
(verified owner) :
We are a family with curly, straight, wavy hair. We all use the products and it works for everyone. Great product!
The Happy Mom
(verified owner) :
This product is the absolute BEST! I am a white mother of four biracial (black) children. I have used every product available at the other local retail shops. Nothing compares to this! Yes, you pay more for Mixed Chicks, but your life will be sooo much easier! My daughter and I used to get into arguments when doing her hair…..and now….we are friends! :) Thanks so much, Mixed Chicks. I pray you never go out of business!!!
(verified owner) :
i have only experienced using the leave in conditioner, and it works like a dream!!!! im Hawaiian/Puerto Rican so as you can imagine i have crazy thick and curly hair! this product is AMAZING! i love it! and use it religiously! try it! you cant go wrong with it! :)