Hi everyone, Sleek sisters, gentlemen, and curlfriends! My name is Caché and I’m extremely excited to be apart of the Mixed Chicks family! I’ve been using the Mixed Chicks shampoo and leave in conditioner for about 2 years now and I am so in love with it! I learned about Mixed Chicks in 2016 when I saw it at my local beauty supply store. I picked up some kids leave in conditioner for my little sister and literally 3 days later a lady from a talent agency that I was a part of reached out to me and asked me if I wanted to work a event where I’d be giving out free samples of Mixed Chicks products! One, I was excited and jumped at the opportunity and two, I was excited because I didn’t realize they had products for nearly everyone!! I went to the hair store looking for products to help tame my little sister’s kinky curly hair and a few days later I became a brand ambassador for the same brand. I didn’t know much about Mixed Chicks but the talent agency sent over a PDF about the brand and I learned about it pretty quickly as I was preparing to be the lead Brand Ambassador for the event I was working. Not only was I excited for the event but I was also excited about the fact that I was working along side of three of my friends that all just so happened to be mixed and also we all had different textured curly hair! I figured I’d have some fun to get them all educated and familiar with the products and brand as well. When the boxes of samples arrived I called my friends to come pick up some of the guides to read about the brand, and some shampoos and conditioners to use on their hair for the event. On the day of the event we all showed up with our hair shampooed and conditioned in our Mixed Chicks products and ready to rock! We were all super excited for the event and not to mention we were super cute as well!! We arrived Downtown for the event which was the Puerto Rican Day parade and we were surrounded by hands and smiles within seconds! I was surprised to see and hear so many of the women say that they LOVE Mixed Chicks brand/products and they have been using them for a while, because I had only recently learned about the brand and I live in the beauty supply store like I’m there about 3 times a week and had only came across it that time. All in all it was a fun event and we received great reception and we definitely rocked it! Fast forward to today! Nearly 2 years later— my hair has gotten a lot longer and kinkier… I saw Mixed Chicks were looking for brand ambassadors/influencers so I decided to give it a shot, I was familiar with the brand, I loved their products and I was also still using the shampoo and leave in conditioner on myself so I figured piece of cake!! I reached out and got a response in the same week, I became an influencer and had their brand new products on the way for me to try out!
Let’s start with my favorite product of them all, the edge tamer!! The Slick styling tamer is life! My edges are very kinky so I wanted to try that product first I pulled it out of the bag and put some one and let me tell you all— FIRM HOLD! Great smell, and long lasting!! The next day I decided to do my hair with all of the Mixed Chicks products I received and also the products that I already had,(shampoo and leave-in conditioner) I was sent a curl sculptor, a co-wash, styling gel, redefining foam, daily hair dress, some styling cream, and of course the edge tamer. I co-washed my hair with the co-wash, then I shampooed and conditioned my hair. After washing my hair I put a fair amount of the daily hair dress all throughout my hair and let it air dry. Now it’s time to style! I decided to play around a little bit, I can’t braid so I put some flat twists in my hair and I put it in a ponytail style. To twist my hair I used the Mixed Chicks styling gel— which by the way smells incredible! After I was done twisting my hair I put a little bit of the fast drying curl sculptor in my hair and brushed it up into to a ponytail using the styling gel, the tamer, and some of the styling cream as well. My final look was amazing, it looked, smelled, and felt amazing. I got many compliments on my hair that day all thanks to my friends over at Mixed chicks! I’m super excited for my healthy hair care and growth journey with the addition of these fabulous products to my daily hair care routine and I look forward to continuing working with Mixed Chicks along the way.