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Your Hair Story Series Presents- Rita Rosa


By Desiree Johnson

Welcome to the Your Hair Story Series presented by Mixed Chicks. This dynamic, new innovative series allows Mixed Chicks users to share their personal stories behind their hair. Hair that kinks, coils, curls, waves, and tells a story reflecting their culture, race, ethnicity, and upbringing. Like our customers, hair comes in all shades, textures and shapes unique to each individual and here at Mixed Chicks we want to celebrate that to the utmost extent. Meet our exquisite Mixed Chicks women, men, and children who exhibit beauty from the root and give us honest, bold stories that we are honored to share with you.

What does being (“Mixed”/ Multiracial/Bi-racial/ a Minority) mean​ ​to​ ​you​ in

In 2017, to be a minority is to own it.I have curves. I have curls. I have slanted eyes.There are still times in which I have to hear people being mean and saying:

“Why don’t you straighten your hair? it looks so much better” “Why don’t you go on a diet?” “Don’t laugh so much in photos, you look oriental”
“Why don’t you comb your hair?”
“Perhaps you shouldn’t eat sweets”
I am happy and proud to be who and as I am. I own it.
The most confident you look, the less courage will people have to bring you

Who inspires your beauty routine? How does it incorporate​ into your personal style?

My grandmother was my biggest curl fan.
When I was little she would comb my hair, wash and finger coil it. I don’t think I’ve ever had better curl days than comparing to back then, to be honest.
I believe her trick was a lot of patience and even more love. That is what I try to do everyday: put a lot of love and trust the timing.
Every since she passed away I remember her every time I look at my curls and I guess that is why I started to embrace my curls. They tell the story of an eternally happy, giggling and bouncy girl. She will forever be my greatest inspiration and I like to believe she would be proud.

Why is your go-to Mixed Chicks product essential​ for your hair regime?

My hair gets really dry in the ends and tends to get all crazy and tangled, so a
good hair masque is super important. The Detangling Deep Conditioner is amazing in this matter. Super moisturizing and with a great scent, leaves the hairfeeling silky like I just left the hairdresser.

How do your curls/hair texture represent your cultural/ethnic

I am the only person in my social circle with curls. This ethnic aspect comes from my great grandmother who was brazilian and had curls as well. So I guess it explains my great love for sun, salty water and warmth (besides my curls!).

What is one feature of the Mixed Chicks brand that empowers your
hair/beauty care?

I believe that in a crescent multicultural world tolerance is really important. Mixed Chicks is that one brand that breaks the old standards of beauty and celebrates diversity, therefore empowering tolerance. It is so much more than products, it’s a mentality, a lifestyle. For me, Mixed Chicks is tolerance and diversity. That is what makes it stand out from other brands and makes me want to be a part of it.

Which haircare​ ​trend​ are you excited to try this season?
I would love to try the space buns. They look so cool, yet so confy!

What’s your Go-to Fall Hairstyle?

I love semi up hairstyles with some curls hanging out in the front. Looks very
romantic and my neck is never cold!
Do you have any go-to beauty/hair bloggers or vloggers who inspire
or help your hairstyles?
My favourite hair blogger and vlogger is @curlsandblondies. I love her hair as
much as her soul. She always has something new to teach and her tricks are
fantastic. She is such a wonderful role model.
Which platform is your go-to outlet for hair advice? (blogs, website,
YouTube, Instagram)
My instagram account @hollycurlyriri. Although I’m planning on starting a
YouTube channel.
What has been your favorite new Mixed Chicks product out this
The detangling deep conditioner, without any doubt. For all the reasons I
mentioned and the fact that it always does the trick!

Interested parties can feel free to LIKE, TWEET, or FOLLOW our social media pages for the latest posts/updates and contact our email for questions on how to get involved. We are looking to showcase anyone who uses the Mixed Chicks brand of beauty products and wants to share their story. What’s the story behind your hair? Let us know!


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